Monday 8 July 2013

Won't you be my neighbour

Two for one this week.  Just thought I would share some seemingly not related photos of random things in my everyday life.  Lets start with Fadil!!!

(Fadil in my hat)

Fadil is one of the kids that are in my neighbourhood.  He caught my attention because as soon as he sees our cab drive up to the house he runs as fast as he can on his little bare feet (which incidentally is pretty fast) because he wants to shut the door of the cab once we are out.  He does not understand english but one day as he was hanging out and checking the tires and lights on our taxi a neighbouring woman walked by and noticed that I was chatting with him.  She asked him something and he nodded his little head.  Not a bob up and down just a one time yup with his head.  I asked the taxi driver to translate what she just said because his response made her laugh.  He told me that she asked him if he would marry me.  hehehe too freakin' cute.  I managed to make him smile with me for the first time this morning.  He'll be my great friend soon I just know it.  

(where I live)

I have already posted a few photos of the inside of our place but my mom requested outside photos as well.  Notice there are three houses in our compound.  The one on the right is Elizabeth and I's two bedroom house.  On the left is a one bedroom house.  Shamima lives there.  She is a young woman who works for the Vodafone (Ghan's Bell) company. Her husband is away doing his studies in America and when he gets back he will live there with her.  In the third, three bedroom house, is Francis.  He is in in 30's and is an assistant lecturer at the university.  They are both extremely nice and I am thankful to have such great neighbours.  

(our little compound)

The neighbours on the outside of the wall are just as nice, at least the ones I have spoken to as brief as it may be sometimes.  The one I speak with the most is a seamstress that has a table set up just beside my house and just in front of hers.  I don't have any photos of her nor do I remember her name sadly. (I've noticed its difficult to remember names when they are so different from what I am used to hearing) I also am not enough aquainted with her to ask for a picture but I promise to have some at some point.  She works with three other ladies everyday at this table under the one tree that stands there.  Her english is good enough that we can chat and she can translate what the other ladies are saying.  She has a little tiny girl named Fahima (no pictures yet) that used to cry when she saw me.  White people are pretty scary to the little ones.  But, she is getting used to me as well and I'm just about getting some smiles out of her.  

(an artsy sewing photo)

(old school equipment) 

Just for fun I thought I would add some of our loot when we go to the market as well as a photo of the first meal we had at home that was not chicken and rice.  This happened some weeks ago but still worth sharing I think.  

(fish with roasted carrots and onions and a salad with lime and olive oil dressing)

(our market loot)

And speaking of small pleasures, I recently bought a tupperwear set.  I chose it because it had un unbelievably exciting feature.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


(mmm apple!!!)

Lastly, I'll talk about an office protocol that seems to transcend in other organizations as well.  They call it Asset Registry and labelling.  In theory it is a very logical process that consists of making a list of the assets aquired for specific projects in order to keep track of expenses.  What is interesting, not to say odd (and well, I find funny) is that they label the office equipment.  You might say "that's not so odd" well take a look...

(my desk...labelled)

(a computer...labelled)


(air conditionner...labelled)


On top of that, there is a specific person whom they refer to as an artist (and he very well may be) that comes in and does this for them.  The guy that did this batch took the entire day.  Elizabeth and I, when we were on our way to see our place for the first time, got a ride with a friend.  He mentioned he had something to do for the office before going to see the house.  On a saturday, we drove to the "artist's" house.  He came with us to the other end of town to meet, on the side of the road, a man who had a laptop.  The "artist" (again he may well be) took out his paintbrush and paint and labeled the laptop.  It was then handed back to the man standing on the side of the road.  He was warned that it would take some time to dry and to not put it back into the case.  We then drove back to the "artist's" house to drop him off and went on our way.  The only thing I can think of is that this is an ingenious way of creating jobs for artists.  Ghanian style!!!  

1 comment:

  1. What a treat! And it really is a treat for us, Sylvie. We check many times every day. We also reread all blogs regularly. They are so much fun to read and they make us feel close to you. Many comforting details for parents in this blog. Secure and comfortable housing accommodations with good neighbours, delicious food, and another delightful picture of you looking happy and well. And we learn that you have found a husband! There is much to be said for being adorable and gallant. Fadil is really a cutie! In the picture with the old iron there is a piece of the material bought for your wedding wrap around skirt so we conclude that this neighbour, the seamstress was the one who sewed it for you. The photos and your writings are giving us a small glimpse of every day life in Ghana for you. We still understand however that there is no way for us to know how different it is. You are privileged to have this rare opportunity. Enjoy little girl! We are so very proud of you!
    Mom and Dad


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