Monday 12 August 2013

Try me

(showing me how - notice she is wearing a winter coat.  It was raining that day and for them it is cold.  Admittedly it was chilly since I am also wearing my rain coat.) 

One of the many fantastic things about living this type of experience is that you get to try things you would not normally at home.  Another bonus is that since nobody knows you, you don't have the residue and weight of expectations or personality traits  you and others have imposed on you.  You can be whoever you want to be or let out who you really are or explore all options.  

During our field visits I have done three new things.  The first, basket weaving.  I LOVED this.  I felt like i could sit there all day and weave.  I was not in the thick of it since I was only working on the base of a basket but it seems to me to be a satisfying occupation since in the end you finish with a beautiful basket.  

(listening well) 

(on my own now)

(some of the farmers that were part of the focus group came to take photos of me doing this as well) 

The second, tilling some earth.  After a half hour or so walk out into the fields we came upon a large group of women who were just about to start turning over the earth to plant their seeds.  As soon as I set foot on the field I was handed a hoe and told to start to work.  I did not understand the words the women used but I sure did understand her intent.  My first thought was "Oh how Dad is going to love seeing this photo since I have never done any hard labour in my life".  Its true, I have had more than an easy life and the work these women do is so beyond difficult.  I can't imagine working like they do in the hot sun day after day.  It is pretty amazing.  

(there it is, proof that I have done some hard labour in my life.  Even if it was only for a few minutes hahahah)

(I have my back pack on because they gave me the hoe before i could even take it off)  

(the ladies behind me don't seem as impressed with my work hahaha)  

The third, dancing in the middle of a circle.  At the end of many of the focus groups we have the women sing a song and clap and some even dance. In this particular case the women were taking turns going in the middle and doing some dance moves of their own.  I usually stand in the background and clap along.  It is always a very emotional moment since it is then that I have those "Holy shit I'm in Africa" thoughts.  This time, I was invited into the circle to bust a few moves.  Luckily, Kate, a young women who works with us at one of the stations came in the middle with me and I was able to imitate her steps.  The women usually really LOVE the fact that the salimingas (white people) join in.  They also think we are pretty funny most of the time weather we dance or try to say a few words in their language.  They think we are funny but it is always appreciated and there is a feeling of thanks that we are making an effort.  

(clearly I am a bit embarrassed but having fun nonetheless and isn't Kate beautiful?) 

note: all of these photos were either taken by Elizabeth or Swanzy.  

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